Friday, March 16, 2012

Sandbox - Everybody

Lyrics - 4
Vocal Performance - 4
Orchestration - 5
Dynamics - 5
Mix - 3

Listen on iTunes

"Everybody" is reminiscent and foretelling. It paints a film-esque picture of transitory emotions. "That we know what our faults are and somehow can't seem to kick them is frustrating. But we'll still try." The vocal delivery is honest and sincere while the blend of strings with a staccato feel creates a bitter-sweet mood. The orchestration of the song is unique and very well designed however, the vocal tracks could sit more up front. Having said that, the dynamics of the band are fantastic. It's obvious that they are familiar with each others place and time. Overall, this is a fantastic track worthy of many listens!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Death and Taxes - I Can't Save You

Lyrics - 3
Vocal Performance - 3
Orchestration - 3
Dynamics - 2
Mix - 3
Listen on iTunes

Death and Taxes comes off like Bon Jovi approximating Bob Dylan's "Knockin' on Heaven's Door" with "I Can't Save You". This track sounds like hard rock, back before punk and extreme metal made it all so much faster and noisier. Vocalist Jay Link has one of those tear-in-your-beer voices that simply cries out for empathy. Guitarist Michael Cutting, formerly of Holy Soldier, also adds a spot-on lead solo to the mix. This song's lyric, about the inability to change somebody who can really only change when he or she chooses to, will resonate with anyone familiar with drug and alcohol recovery. However, the song would be even more compelling if it had a differing melodic bridge to give the tune added variety. Nevertheless, Death and Taxes seems like a group of true professionals, and might just strike a nerve with rock fans nostalgic for the way the hard rock style used to be during AOR's heyday.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Switchfoot - Mess of Me

Lyrics - 5
Vocal Performance -5
Orchestration - 5
Dynamics - 5
Mix - 5 
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"Mess of Me" captivates it's listener with powerful lyrics, driving lead vocals, and strong music backing. The song speaks of survival after bad decisions, and is very well orchestrated, in that it tells a story of owning-up to our mistakes and wanting to move beyond those vices and weaknesses, whether it be drugs, addiction, or any other vice that holds us down.

The mix and dynamics are great throughout. Instrumentation is tight and the song's structure has smooth transitions from verse, bridge, and chorus sections. I especially enjoyed hearing the touch of distortion on the voice with the guitar at the last bridge. This songs speaks to everyone who has ever been trapped in the cages we create for ourselves when we try to substitute one problem for another problem.

- Review by Clarence Steele

Keane - Bedshaped

Lyrics - 4
Vocal Performance - 5
Orchestration - 3
Dynamics - 4
Mix -3
Listen on iTunes

In a somewhat strange blend of bare indie and the fuller, dynamic sound we are used to hearing from the band, Keane takes an interesting path with the song "Bedshaped." The beginning of the song brings the image of a rehearsal in progress, the band sitting in a dimly lit living room, the dramatic sparseness accentuating the ricky-ticky sound of ill-mixed drums. However, the tender melody and brilliant delivery by lead singer Tom Chaplin keeps you interested long enough to experience the chorus, thank goodness.

Here, the rich, full-bodied sound we were longing for unfolds. A superb climax with fantastic lyrics, the chorus of "Bedshaped" is the hook that we needed, in order to give the song a second, and third chance. Singer and band unite to create a uniform blanket of almost touchable sound - you'll just want to close your eyes and bask in the moment. Once all is said and done, "Bedshaped" surprisingly pulls through, and addicts.

- Review by Elise Ackermann

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Krimzen - Soldier's Sojourn

Lyrics - 5
Vocal Performance -4
Orchestration -4
Dynamics - 5
Mix -3 

This song really represents a new power in modern music. It fuses the very traditional rock theme of individuality with a fresh delivery. The middle 8 is delightfully unexpected turn with a great guitar statement and build in to the final chorus. There is really something special here sure to draw excitement and thought from a ever expanding audience!